It all starts with one question: Will you Marry Me?

When my high school sweetheart proposed to me a year ago on the beach, little did I know that my parents were there ready to congratulate us! They were just the beginning of the many hugs, congratulations, and hand grabs to see the ring. After all of the initial excitement, there comes another question: Have you set a date? My first thought? “NO! I’ve been engaged 5 minutes!” But until you set a date, you will hear this question at every family gathering, every work meeting, and anytime anyone hears you are engaged.

What most people don’t realize is how much goes in to the date. Unless you have a date that is sentimental to you, I would start looking for venues first. There is nothing worse than falling in love with a venue and finding out that they are booked for the date you have in mind. So, my advice, think of a month or season you want to get married, find a venue and then set a date. If you are set on a date, in most cases you won’t have any issue, but as you get closer to the date or if your date is in the peak of wedding season – be ready to keep your venue options open!

After that, don’t expect the questions to stop. “Have you picked your wedding party? Have you found a dress? What are your colors?” Just take it one question at a time and don’t be overwhelmed when the questions lead to more questions!